Where the Wild Things Bloom


Early in the year, Hayden Marie of New Wave Records reached out to me through a mutual connection after hearing me sing, excitedly exclaiming that I “would be perfect for this song” that he was developing in collaboration with another writer, Cheriese Anderson.

Hayden sent me the track to listen to and I instantly really loved the feel of the
Early in the year, Hayden Marie of New Wave Records reached out to me through a mutual connection after hearing me sing, excitedly exclaiming that I “would be perfect for this song” that he was developing in collaboration with another writer, Cheriese Anderson.

Hayden sent me the track to listen to and I instantly really loved the feel of the song. It filled me with a kind of nostalgia of the early 2010's and the rising of a kind of “innocent” folk scene. During those years in my early 20's we would often trek along to see our friend's folk bands play at venues like the Northcote Social Club or the Toff in Town. These times reminded me of the simple freedoms of younger years. Our lives were care-free and the music of the time seemed to reflect this back on us.

But I digress…

As things are in this day and age, I was able to record my vocal tracks from my own home with my own recording gear (well past the bedtime of our two little boys) and send it off over the great web for Hayden to mix into the track. It has been a real pleasure to contribute to this song and to share it with the world.
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